Hanami – Cherry Blossom Festival

We warmly invite you to join us for another event at our brewery! The Hanami – Cherry Blossom Festival will take place on April 1st 2023 from 10 am to 10 pm in the interiors and courtyards of the Strahov Brewery. This is the second year that we are hosting this Japanese themed festival – a celebration of the arrival of spring and an opportunity for patrons to encounter and savor Japanese culture in the heart of Prague. Once again we have brewed a special edition Sv. Norbert Sakura Amber Ale for the occasion. Among the Japanese dishes on the menu are Gyoza dumplings, ramen, Okonomiyaki style beef burgers, and sushi. To sweeten up, delicious macaroons from the UwU Bakery, and the highly popular beer ice cream from Angelato will be served. And for those fond of a stronger tipple, we have stocked up on the excellent Nikka whisky from Japan. The festivities will include a Japanese tea ceremony, martial arts and archery, Japanese calligraphy and stencil drawing, kimonos and much more! For those interested in participating, there will be open competitions for the best traditional kimono, cosplay and haiku with multiple prizes. And towards the end of the evening there will be a Japanese-inspired fire performance. Hanami is an ancient Japanese tradition which dates back to the 8th Century. The essence of the festival is the contemplation of the flowering of sakur (cherry blossom), and appreciation of its transient beauty. We sincerely hope you will join us for this celebration of springtime and joy! You can find more details on our Facebook event, where we are gradually adding details.

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Hanami – svátek rozkvetlých sakur

S radostí Vás zveme na další akci v našem pivovaru! Festival Hanami – svátek rozkvetlých sakur se letos uskuteční 1. dubna 2023, od 10.00 do 22.00 ve vnitřních i venkovních prostorech Pivovaru Strahov. Již druhým rokem hostujeme tento Japonskem inspiro

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Speed Festival 2023

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Festival minipivovarů na Pražské hradě

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