Make Your Fund Factsheets and Portal Available in Arabic

According to Wikipedia, Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world with as many as 422 million speakers. It is the official language in 26 countries. We are therefore pleased to announce that it is now possible to create Arabic versions of fund factsheets in our fund factsheet production software. Let your customers understand Please note that although Arabic is not among our default supported languages yet, if you do require Arabic versions of performance reports created using our fund fact sheet automation tools, they are available on request – just let us know and we will make fast work of it! The same applies to fund portals. Should you need a secure fund portal implemented into your Arabic website, then we are ready to get down to business. Translate your tearsheets in a few clicks Our default factsheets templates are currently available in six major languages. You can easily provide your foreign clients with tearsheets in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Russian. Get More Information The post Make Your Fund Factsheets and Portal Available in Arabic appeared first on Fundpeak.

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