Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting

Header one Header two Header three Header four Header five Header six This is default paragraph. Morbi sagittis sem quis lacinia faucibus, this is a text link orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus. Fusce id mi diam, non ornare orci. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus. Single line blockquote: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Multi line blockquote with a cite reference: People think focus means saying yes to the thing youve got to focus on. But thats not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. Im actually as proud of the things we havent done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, 1997 Unordered Lists (Nested) List item one List item one List item one List item two List item three List item four List item two List item three List item four List item two List item three List item four Ordered Lists (Nested) List item one List item one List item one List item two List item three List item four List item two List item three List item four List item two List item three List item four HTML Tags These supported tags come from the code FAQ. Address Tag 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 United States Anchor Tag (aka. Link) This is an example of a link. Abbreviation Tag The abbreviation srsly stands for seriously. Acronym Tag (deprecated in HTML5) The acronym ftw stands for for the win. Big Tag (deprecated in HTML5) These tests are a big deal, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5. Cite Tag Code is poetry. Automattic Code Tag You will learn later on in these tests that word-wrap: break-word; will be your best friend. Delete Tag This tag will let you strikeout text, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5 (use the <strike> instead). Emphasize Tag The emphasize tag should italicize text. Insert Tag This tag should denote inserted text. Keyboard Tag This scarsly known tag emulates keyboard text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag. Preformatted Tag This tag styles large blocks of code. .post-title { margin: 0 0 5px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 38px; line-height: 1.2; and here's a line of some really, really, really, really long text, just to see how the PRE tag handles it and to find out how it overflows; } Quote Tag Developers, developers, developers Steve Ballmer Strike Tag (deprecated in HTML5) This tag shows strike-through text Strong Tag This tag shows bold text. Subscript Tag Getting our science styling on with H2O, which should push the 2 down. Superscript Tag Still sticking with science and Isaac Newtons E = MC2, which should lift the 2 up. The post Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting appeared first on Radek Karban = Váš akcelerátor úspěchu v životě i profesi.

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Markup: Text Alignment

Default This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love. Completely neutral and not picking a side or sitting on the fence

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