During the recent International Raman Microscopy Conference (ICORS XXI) in London, Dr. Ken Williams of Renishaw plc (UK), and Dr. Andrew Shubin of NT-MDT (Russia) signed an OEM agreement, whereby NT-MDT will sell, install, and support special inVia Raman systems for integration with its NTEGRA AFM. This alliance between two forward-thinking companies provides an unsurpassed nanotechnology visualisation and analysis system for research and industry.
Raman microscopy is routinely used for characterization and identification of material, but the need for this molecular imaging and analysis technique has become increasingly important in biology.
projít na článekPinpointed particle selection for rapid, accurate Raman analysis.
projít na článekSvítidlo Step light je LED svítidlo určené k osvětlení chodby nebo schodiště. Je určeno k zabudování do zdi.
projít na článekThe RA802 enables users to formulate tablets more efficiently by speeding up the analysis of tablet composition and structure. It brings together the chemical analysis power of Raman spectroscopy and advanced imaging technologies in a powerful, robust sys
projít na článekSvítidlo Step light je určeno k osvětlení schodiště nebo chodby. Vkládá se do montážní krabice určené k montáži vypinačů a zásuvek. Montážní krabice není součástí balení.
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