Particle Analysis: automated image-targeted identification

Pinpointed particle selection for rapid, accurate Raman analysis.

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Renishaw introduces new Particle Analysis module

Renishaw has introduced the Particle Analysis software module for its inVia™ confocal Raman microscope. The module automates the inVia microscope so that it can identify particles on images and then chemically analyse them using Raman spectroscopy.

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Raman spectroscopy for oncology research (and drug delivery research)

Raman microscopy is routinely used for characterization and identification of material, but the need for this molecular imaging and analysis technique has become increasingly important in biology.

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Školní výlet třídy 6. C

Ve dnech 19. - 21. 6. se tř da 6. C z častnila koln ho v letu do Vrchlab . A v let se n m skutečně povedl, odvezli jsme si spoustu skvěl ch z žitků. Nav t vili jsme historick centrum, ochutnali italskou zmrzlinu, stř leli jsme z luku, koupali se, hr li

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Indiánská škola v přírodě

Ž ci 4. tř d str vili t den v Orlick ch hor ch na chatě Slunečn . Plnili indi nsk koly, vyr běli trika, čelenky, n hrdeln ky a lapače snů. Při indi nsk v pravě v d lce 13 km nav t vili samoobslužn bufet Kačenčin enk, kde se občerstvili. Před odjez

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Raman spectroscopy: an advanced technique for gemstone analysis

The National Gemstone Testing Centre (NGTC), China, is using Renishaw’s high performance inVia confocal Raman microscopes to perform non-destructive identification and characterisation of gemstones.

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