New publication on 3D imaging of cells

Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope has been used in a recent study which demonstrates that Raman and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopies are information rich, non-destructive techniques for the monitoring of subtle intracellular changes.

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Environmental cells

Renishaw supplies a wide range of cells, so you can make in situ Raman and photoluminescence measurements

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Cell biology

Extract chemical information from cells without the need for staining or the manipulation of genes, and ensure your results reflect the true chemistry of the cells

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StreamLine™ Plus – sets the standard for fast chemical imaging

To meet the market requirement for ever-faster chemical imaging systems, Renishaw has combined hardware, software, and firmware to optimise data collection, visualisation, and processing. This latest generation of fast Raman imaging systems - StreamLine™

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It's in the touch - identifying trace material within a fingerprint

To be truly useful, in a highly practical and physical environment, chemical imaging needs to be versatile and forgiving over a range of object surfaces. We put Raman imaging to the test by analysing a fingerprint on the side of a soda can.

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Pioneering work provides hope in fertility struggle

The inability to have children creates great heartache for many couples. The most common cause is male infertility, usually characterised by sperm cells with low mobility in which genetic material (DNA) is often damaged. Unfortunately, DNA damage in sperm

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