Open Doors Day at MAFIL CEITEC

12 March 2024, 15:00 - 18:00 | MAFIL CEITEC, University Campus, Building E35, Brno MAFIL Core Facility at CEITEC invites anyone with an interest in neuroscience and medical imaging, or those who would like to learn more about current research and the work of the joint Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory to the Open Doors day. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore our labs in more detail and ask questions about anything that interests them. The lab can be visited at any time between 15:00 and 18:00, no registration is required. ABOUT EVENT

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WORKSHOP: Quantitative MRI methods in neuroimaging at MAFIL CEITEC

21 March 2024, 9:00 | MAFIL CEITEC, University Campus, Building E35, Room 145, Brno MAFIL Core Facility at CEITEC organizes an annual MRI workshop, this year focusing on Quantitative MRI methods in neuroimaging. The workshop is co-organized by the HuBraM

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NeuroImaging: Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain

Course | November 7-8, 2023 | MAFIL, CEITEC, Brno Organizers: Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory, CEITEC, Brno We cordially invite you to the educational course 'NeuroImaging: Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain'. Registration is

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Experimental Biophotonics course

Course | November 23 & 28, 2023 | CEITEC BUT, Brno Course | November 23 & 28, 2023 | CEITEC BUT, Brno Organiser: CEITEC Brno University of Technology  

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Výsledky, rozpisy, zprávy rozhodčího

Změna termínu 8. a 9. Open Děčín - 4. a 5.11.2023 Náhradní termín zrušeného 5. Open jednotlivců Pečky - 15.10.2023 Rozpis 5. a 6. Open Start Brno 2023 Rozpis 7. Open Radotín 2023 Rozpis 8. a 9. Open Děčín 2023 Výsledky 4. BT Cheb 2023 (oficiální) + zpráva

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ELIXIR CZ INFO days 2019

ELIXIR CZ the infrastructure for biological data has been launched in 2015 as a part of the pan European research infrastructure ELIXIR. Since this time ELIXIR CZ provide access to tools and training to facilitate an activities such as storing, processing

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