Press release Trebbia – English

Ludvík Feller, visual artist and pedagogue, (born 1929) is honoured in Prague with the prestigious Trebbia Prize 2020 for his artistic work. Ludvík Feller studied painting, graphics and psychology at the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague. After winning numerous first prizes in the field of Logo,Feller established himself as a graphic artist in Prague. In 1968 Feller left Czechoslovakia. After numerous study trips, he taught visual rhetoric and applied semiotics at the Schiller College Bildende Kunst in Berlin and at the Berlin Hochschule der Künste (now Universität der Künste). The dissolution of the boundaries between free and applied art is one of the main themes showing in his artistic work. His work focuses on the close connection between nature and art and on the reflections on the origin and forms of expression of artistic creativity. Feller has also left his artistic and pedagogical mark on the Faculty of Fine Arts at JEP University in Usti nad Labem (Aussig). Feller lives and works in Berlin and Prague. The Trebbia Prize has been awarded to entrepreneurs, sponsors and artists since 2001. The name of the prize refers to the river Trebbia in the Italian province of Liguria. According to legend, St. Roch had retreated on the banks of the Trebbia. The Chapel of St. Rochus, built under Emperor Rudolf II at the beginning of the 17th century on the site of Pragues Strahov Monastery, has been home to the Miro Gallery since 1994. In 2000, the gallery established the European Prize as a reference to artists and supporters of culture and named it after the river Trebbia. Today, this award is presented by the TREBBIA Foundation. The prize for the year 2020 will be awarded on October 17th, 2021 in Prague. The award ceremony will be broadcast live on Czech and Slovak television and with simultaneous English translation via You Tube. Previous award winners include Markus Lüpertz, Ronnie Wood, Václav Havel, Bob Geldof, Wladimir Klitschko, Luciano Benetton, Annie Leibovitz, King Norodom Sihamoni and Karel Gott. The members of the Trebbia International Nomination Committee 2020 are: Benke Aikell (Sweden), owner and editor of the magazine Czech Slovak Leaders, Eva Blahová (Slovakia), professor of opera and concert singing, member of the Art Council BHS Bratislava and emeritus director of the Janacek Opera in Brno, Michael Haas (Switzerland / Germany), collector, gallery owner and curator, Hynek Kmoníček (Czech Republic), diplomat, currently Czech ambassador to the USA Michael March (USA / Czech Republic), writer, poet and founder of the International Writers Festival in Prague, John Mucha (United Kingdom / Czech Republic), banker, grandson and executor of Alfons Mucha, Miro Smolák, Owner and director of the MIRO Gallery, founder of the TREBBIA Foundation, chairman of TREBBIA INC (Czech Republic / Slovakia / Germany) Martin Jan Stránský (USA / Czech Republic), doctor, educator, publisher and publicist, Klaus von Trotha (Germany), former Minister for Science, Research and Culture of Baden-Württemberg. Der Beitrag Press release Trebbia – English erschien zuerst auf Ludvik Feller.

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