Project MARCH builds exoskeleton to aid mobility for people with spinal cord injuries

Project MARCH is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary student team from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Its goal is to develop and build advanced prototype exoskeletons that enable people with SCI to stand up and walk.

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Streamlining additive manufacturing for spinal implants

Global engineering company, Renishaw, collaborated with two innovative technology companies to demonstrate the capability of metal additive manufacturing (AM) technology to produce lightweight spinal implants that mimic the mechanical properties of bone.

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New partner of the agency Media Market has become the project which is the main project of the Medialog foundation. read more

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Evropský týden mobility v Opavě

Evropská komise každý rok vyhlašuje Evropský týden mobility, v rámci něhož se obce věnují tématu udržitelné městské dopravy. Obce ve spolupráci s dalšími partnery připravují pestrý program, jehož hlavním cílem je ukázat, že po městě se dá pohybovat rychle

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What I learned from building Untools

Its been over a year since I started building and almost 10 months since the launch.Since then, over 182,000 people visited the website, over 4,500 people are subscribed to the newsletter and I made over $3,000 from selling extra products aroun

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The methodology of Circular Public Procurement was finalized in Bratislava

Project partners from Czechia (BIC Brno/INCIEN), Spain (BIOAZUL) and Slovakia (INCIEN SK) met again in November in Bratislava. We are busy finalizing the methodology of circular public procurement and circular purchase so we can present it in four languag

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