'Raman-spectrokinetics' for improved solid catalysts

Renishaw inVia™ microscope user, Prof. Carlos A. Carrero, heads a group that is developing advanced catalysts for the conversion of hydrocarbons into more valuable products at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, USA

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Use Raman spectroscopy to study catalysts and catalytic reactions. Obtain critical information on catalytic mechanisms, and improve their efficiency

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Case study: Combined MWIR Raman thermography for improved thermal control in semiconductor devices

Raman thermography uses the Raman spectrum from a semiconductor device to determine the local temperature with submicron lateral spatial resolution. Quantum Focus Instruments Corporation (QFI) coupled a Renishaw Virsa analyser to a QFI InfraScopeTM, an es

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Introducing the Renishaw Virsa™ Raman Analyser

The Virsa Raman Analyser is a versatile, fibre-optic-coupled Raman spectroscopy system designed for reliable, detailed remote analysis. It enables the expansion of applications of Raman spectroscopy to a new range of samples and environments beyond the co

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Raman-SPM/AFM combined systems

Systémy AFM-Raman (SPM-Raman) společnosti Renishaw jsou ideálními nástroji pro nanotechnologický výzkum.

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Choosing a Raman spectrometer

Watch our three-part webinar series to learn about selecting a Raman system. Renishaw’s Raman spectrometers are packed with patented technologies for excellent performance and ease-of-use.

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