Renishaw distributor upgrades telescope for astronomy research

A case study about the encoder solution chosen for the Wise Observatory, Israel

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Renishaw appoints a new distributor in the Nordic region

Renishaw is pleased to announce that it has recently appointed Blue Scientific as the new representative in the Nordic region for its spectroscopy product line.

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Renishaw adds Raman capabilities to synchrotron research

Over the last few months, Renishaw engineers and beamline scientists from the Swiss Norwegian beamlines (SNBL) have developed novel Raman probes to advance cutting-edge Synchrotron research. Wouter van Beek and a team of scientists working at SNBL, use si

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Renishaw helps with Perovskite solar panel research

Dr Tim Batten and Dr Ian Hayward represented Renishaw at the recent PSCO-2017 conference on perovskite solar cells and optoelectronics hosted by The Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK.

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Případové studie kalibračních aplikací

Laserová měření a měření ballbar, analytická a diagnostická řešení Renishaw pomohla během více než 30 let tisícům uživatelů zdokonalit vlastnosti jejich řešení. Bez ohledu na to, zda jste koncový uživatel, distributor, výrobce obráběcích strojů nebo posky

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inVia Raman microscope used in breakthrough graphene research

A Renishaw inVia Raman microscope has been used in new research that addresses one of the major hindrances to the wider exploitation of graphene: the difficulty in growing large defect-free films.

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