Solved: Failed to configure agent: Node password rejected, duplicate hostname or contents RKE2/K3S

If you recreate server with the same name that has been already joined in your cluster, you will end up with this error message.WARN[0000] not running in CIS mode INFO[0000] Starting rke2 agent v1.21.3+rke2r1 (2ed0b0d1b6924af4414393cd1796c174a1ff5352) INFO[0000] Running load balancer -> [] WARN[0000] Cluster CA certificate is not trusted by the host CA bundle, but the token does not include a CA hash. Use the full token from the server s node-token file to enable Cluster CA validation. INFO[0000] Running load balancer -> [] ERRO[0000] Failed to configure agent: Node password rejected, duplicate hostname or contents of /etc/rancher/node/password may not match server node-passwd entry, try enabling a unique node name with the --with-node-id flag Problem is described here: Removing node doesn t remove node password Issue #802 k3s-io/k3s ( do not remove node via kubectl delete node <nodeId> command and use official uninstall script.Solution:kubectl -n kube-system delete secrets <agent-node-name>.node-password.rke2 or kubectl -n kube-system delete secrets <agent-node-name>.node-password.k3s

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