
Thoughts, stories and ideas about Symfony, PHP, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes

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Solved: Remote XDebug from Dockerized PHP app via SSH Tunnel on Ubuntu

expose: - 9000 Remove theports:section fromdocker-compose.yml and define exposeOn the remote machine enableGatewayPorts clientspecifiedin/etc/ssh/sshd_config(then restart the sshd service).This allows you to create an SSH port forward tunnel which lis

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How to download full PDF from cardiagn.com

Do not forget to disconnect from internet before you open developer tools! otherwise that page will ban you! Open file manual page that you want to download, confirm bot protection from CloudFlare and load inpage PDF VIEWer. Disconnect from internet and o

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SOLVED: rke2-agent-3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Rancher Kubernetes Engine v2 (agent) invalid kernel parameter

root@:/etc/rancher/rke2# sudo systemctl status rke2-agent rke2-agent.service - Rancher Kubernetes Engine v2 (agent) Loaded: loaded (/usr/local/lib/systemd/system/rke2-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: activating (auto-rest

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Configure Nextcloud in Turris Omnia for large files upload

Buy mSata SSD disk and plug into your Turris and configure it via Reforris as /srv mount Apend this lines into /etc/php8-fpm.d/www.conf and create /srv/tmp/ folder with write all permissionsphp_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/fpm-php.www.log php_admin_f

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Solved: Nuxt.js App takes too long to start inside Docker - too slow

I have spend lots of time to investigate what the problem is and I found it!Take a look inside your docker-compose.yml and double check, that you are not propagating .git folder inside the docker container! Now your app will be faster than before node:

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Solved - PHP 8.2 Docker Alpine - No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/apcu"

You should build it from source code FROM php:8.2-fpm-alpine AS ext-apcu ENV EXT_APCU_VERSION=master RUN curl -vvv https://github.com/krakjoe/apcu.git RUN docker-php-source extract \ && apk -Uu add git \ && git clone --branch $E

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How to regenerate sitemap every day via livenessProbe in Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f --namespace=app deployment.yaml deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: workload.user.cattle.io/workloadselector: apps.deployment-sitemaps name: sitemaps spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 10 replica

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Helm install OpenSearch Cluster with persistence to local disk + Hunspell

local-storage Boundkubectl apply -f values.yaml values.yaml # Only create this for K8s 1.9+ apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: local-storage provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

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Helm install Bitnami MariaDB Galera to hostPath

$ kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml --- kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: mariadb-galera-new --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: mariadb-galera-new-pv namespace: mariadb-galera-new spec: storageClassName: manual # moun

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Cert Manager upgrade from Rancher shows only latest version

You have to modify chart metadata and add two annotations: catalog.cattle.io/ui-source-repo: jetstack and catalog.cattle.io/ui-source-repo-type: cluster You can modify annotations in API viewAnd VOILA!

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SOLVED - Lenovo Thinkpad T460s black screen - burned Fuse on mainboard

I have Lenovo T460s with Intel i7 6600u and wQHD LCD 2560x1440. There is some short on mainboard and LCD will not turn on. External HDMI monitor works. I tried repair service and they did not fix it.After 2years I found this repair video, so I disassemble

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SOLVED - Rancher upgrade failed - no matches for kind "Issuer" in version "cert-manager.io/v1beta1"

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: current release manifest contains removed kubernetes api(s) for this kubernetes version and it is therefore unable to build the kubernetes objects for performing the diff. error from kubernetes: unable to recognize : no matches fo

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RKE2 - enable nginx proxy protocol by default

After RKE2 upgrade you will lost your rke2-ingress-nginx-controller config values.Define this HelmChartConfig and your setup will be used every time, when you upgrade RKE2. More info about config in official documentation.apiVersion: helm.cattle.io/v1 kin

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Solved: Failed to configure agent: Node password rejected, duplicate hostname or contents RKE2/K3S

If you recreate server with the same name that has been already joined in your cluster, you will end up with this error message.WARN[0000] not running in CIS mode INFO[0000] Starting rke2 agent v1.21.3+rke2r1 (2ed0b0d1b6924af4414393cd1796c174a1ff5352) INF

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