Solved: Remote XDebug from Dockerized PHP app via SSH Tunnel on Ubuntu

expose: - 9000 Remove theports:section fromdocker-compose.yml and define exposeOn the remote machine enableGatewayPorts clientspecifiedin/etc/ssh/sshd_config(then restart the sshd service).This allows you to create an SSH port forward tunnel which listens on all network interfaces (*) which is required in order for the Docker container s virtual network interface to reach your client machine via the tunnel.By default, theGatewayPortssetting limits remote port forwardings to bind to thelocalhostinterface only which Docker can t see .Change SSH connection string to explicitly specify that I wanted to listen on the global interface*:ssh -R *:9000:localhost:9000 [email protected] Or with Putty/KittyKitty remote SSH tunnelAfter doing all this, I was finally able to connect to Xdebug running inside a Docker container on the remote server from my local machine. .vscode/launch.json{ version : 0.2.0 , configurations : [ { name : Launch built-in server and debug , type : php , request : launch , runtimeArgs : [ -S , localhost:8000 , -t , . ], port : 9000, serverReadyAction : { action : openExternally } }, { name : Debug current script in console , type : php , request : launch , program : ${file} , cwd : ${fileDirname} , externalConsole : false, port : 9000 }, { name : Listen for Xdebug 9000 , type : php , request : launch , port : 9000, pathMappings : { /var/www/html/ : ${workspaceRoot}/ , }, } ] } xdebug-php.inizend_extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/ xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.client_port=9000 ;xdebug.client_host=dockerhost xdebug.client_host=xdebug://gateway xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM xdebug.start_with_request = yes Optionally, if you want to explicitly force Xdebug to connect only to the host machine (meaning you only want to use Xdebug via the SSH tunnel), either:Add the following section to your service indocker-compose.yml: extra_hosts: - host.docker.internal:host-gateway Then setxdebug.client_host=host.docker.internalandxdebug.discover_client_host=OfforSetxdebug.client_host=xdebug://gatewayP.S. A useful command while debugging this wasnc -vz 9000which allowed me to check if my SSH port forward was working on the host machine, at least.Original credits to WackGet

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