Taking the pain out of sunburn - confocal Raman imaging of emulsions

Studying a sample of suncream using the Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope

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Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)

Correlated FLIM-Raman analysis on Renishaw’s inViaTM confocal Raman microscope.

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Case study: Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope, a work horse for laboratory testing

The Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope was chosen as the spectrometer of choice for the MCFP, as its bespoke configuration is perfectly suited to analysing cultural artefacts with varying topography and composition.

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New publication on 3D imaging of cells

Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope has been used in a recent study which demonstrates that Raman and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopies are information rich, non-destructive techniques for the monitoring of subtle intracellular changes

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Far from extinct - Raman imaging of ammonite fossils

Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope is equipped with technology to make analysing geological samples faster and easier than ever before.

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Renishaw's inVia ultra-fast Raman imaging microscope wins Queen's Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2014

Renishaw, the global engineering technologies company, is delighted to announce that it has received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise 2014 in the Innovations category for its inVia Raman microscope. This prestigious Award has been granted for the continuous

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