There are inactive functions in Synchronizer

In the event that you have in Synchronizer one of the functions inactive such as  Contacts see image. It is necessary to go into the settings and see if you have checked the functionality see image.

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Functions in the task detail

If you are in Microsoft Outlook, open the task detail, the menu in ACMARK panel changes to menu options for the task. Panel for detail task offers the following options: Open task in SugarCRM opens the task in SugarCRM using a browser. If the task has n

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Display of e-mail functions in Microsoft Outlook

Function in the email detail If you open the Microsoft Outlook email detail, the menu changes in ACMARK panel menu options for the particular email. Panel detail for email offers these options: Open email in SugarCRM if you click on this button to displa

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Pojmy a myšlení

Concepts and Thinking DOI: Author: Luděk Kolman Address: Českomoravská psychologická společnost (Czech-Moravian Psychological Association), Kladenská 405, Vokovice, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic E-mail: ludek.ko

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Domestic Migration and Integration of Religious Diaspora: Global experiences can benefit the shaping of internal relationships in Indonesia

DOI: Author: I Ketut Gunawan Address: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Author: Iván Győző Somlai Address: Ethno

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