When and why use the services of a performance coach?

Consultations with a performance coach are one of the unique and very popular extras for FTMO Traders that virtually no one else offers. Do you want to know in which situations it is appropriate to use the services of a coach? Read on to find out more. Having perfect technical analysis skills and a great [] Post When and why use the services of a performance coach? from FTMO

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Nákup nového tahače Volvo Performance Edition

Došlo k nákupu nového tahače značky Volvo, pořízeném ve Volvo Truck centru v Ústí nad Labem (obchodní zástupce p. Pavel Kysela). Jedná se o limitovanou edici této prémiové značky s názvem Performance Edition. Vozidlo vyniká nadstandartní výbavou, XL kabin

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Plan and Prepare For Your Sales Call

Research shows that salespeople will never reach their performance potential without a well-defined sales-call procedure that they can follow and learn from. “Winging it” on sales calls has grim consequences – lost sales, extended sell cycles, margin eros

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6 Tips to Retain Your Top Sales Talent

In business, there’s an expression: To have and to hold, from this day forward. … Oh, wait, that’s a marriage vow. And even then it doesn’t bind. Here in the sales-verse, people coming and going like serial monogamists can sting your bottom line: Onboardi

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Den otevřených dveří

Připravili jsme pro Vás den otevřených dveří prodejně výstavní akci ve spolupráci s VDL Bus&Coach. akce bude probíhat dne 15.-16.4.2019 v prostorách našeho servisu. The post Den otevřených dveří appeared first on Autobusová doprava a servis Jaromír

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Office space in the AMZ complex

We offer office space for rent in a newly renovated building (36) in the AMZ complex at: Pražská 298 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav

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