ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Traveler: visualization of secondary structure of RNA

Traveler: visualization of secondary structure of RNA moleculesDavid Hoksza from UKTraveler is a tool for template-based visualization of RNA secondary structure. If a sufficiently close template is available, Traveler is able to generate a layout for even the largest RNA molecules in a standard orientation. Traveler can be used as a stand-alone application, but it also integrated within the RNAcentrals R2DT pipeline. Part of the talk will be therefore dedicated to the description of the R2DT project.Meet us online every friday morning to explore the portfolio of ELIXIR CZ tools and services at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/508817845 .Registration is not neededFuture webinars28. 5. at 9:30 cpPredictor: template based prediction of RNA secondary structures.   4. 6. at 9:30 EnzymeMiner & SoluProt: mining of soluble enzymes.11. 6. at 9:30 IRESs, IRESite and HCVIVdb.18. 6. at 9:30 CaverDock: Analysis of Ligand Transport through Protein Tunnels.Take a look at the webinar and give us your feedback. Please note that online session will be recorded and may be used on ELIXIR CZ website, social media, in ELIXIR CZ e-publications and any other ELIXIR CZ online materials.

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 2DProts: Family-wide 2D diagrams

2DProts: Family-wide 2D diagrams of protein secondary structureRadka Svobodová from MU2DProts database contains secondary structure 2D diagrams for proteins and protein domains. Moreover, it includes multiple 2D diagrams of protein familys secondary struc

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 SPCI of QSAR models

SPCI: Structural and physicochemical interpretation of QSAR modelsPavel Polishchuk from UPOL The SPCI tool enables automatic building of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models and their interpretation. Interpretation is performed in te

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 FireProt: Computational tool

FireProt: Computational tool for the design of stable proteinsMiloš Musil from ICRC FireProt is a family of tools for the design and analysis of stable proteins. FireProt-web is a server for the fully automated design of stable multiple-point mutants, whi

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Metadynminer and Metadynreporter

Metadynminer and MetadynreporterVojtěch Spiwok from UCTBiomolecular simulations are computationally expensive calculations. For this reason most simulations nowadays span nanosecond or microsecond time scales. Many interesting processes, such as protein-l

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Mol* visualization of biomacromolecules

Mol* visualization of biomacromoleculesDavid Sehnal from MU The Mol* Viewer (https://molstar.org/) enables 3D visualisation of macromolecular coordinate and experimental data, together with capabilities for displaying structure quality, functional, or bio

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