Science IAs

On Friday 6th October, Chemistry, Physics and ESS students carried out the practical part of their Internal Assessments. So many experiments were carried out that we could not list them all here! However, some examples include measuring the amount of iron or vitamin C in various fruits and vegetables, measuring the energy contained in various fuels, measuring the rate of a reaction, comparing pollution levels between cities, investigating the flight of javelins and the pressure exerted by bouncing balls. Students now have 2 weeks to complete their reports that will be submitted as their coursework.. Jim Dunwell Lead Teacher For Chemistry The post Science IAs appeared first on Park Lane.

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Biology Bakery

Last Wednesday, some of the 7P students completed a bonus task in Science where they constructed models of a cell using a variety of methods such as painting and baking. Their scientific creations were both detailed and delicious. Moreover, the whole clas

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STEM day for Year 5 and Year 6 students

Our Year 5 and Year 6 students are looking for a A STEAM Day on Friday 3rd November. It fosters skills and mindsets that are indispensable in the 21st century. By nurturing curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity, it prepares young minds to tackle th

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IQ park

Pokud je vaše tělo aktivním pohybem dostatečně znaveno a mozkové závity odpočívaly,doporučujeme navštívit iQcentrum v nedalekém Liberci(25 km) v areálu Babylon.Zde si můžete jak Vy tak i Vaše děti osvěžit znalosti ze světa vědy a techniky.Dále pak v těsné

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Energetici z Dukovan připravili na druhý adventní víkend tvořivý vánoční program pro rodiny s dětmi

Ručně vyrobit vánoční ozdobu nebo papírového Anděla, ale třeba i betlém z dřevěných figurek, mohou už tento víkend návštěvníci dukovanského infocentra. Pestrý program tradičních vánočních dílen, při kterých nebude chybět ani možnost napsat a poslat dopis

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Natálie Skácelová LLM

Natálie originally comes from Moravia. Supported by a scholarship from the Open Society Fund, she completed her A-Levels at Felsted School in Essex in the UK and went on to study Law at the London School of Economics. Having qualified as a solicitor, Natá

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